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Project Title - Critical and Creative Thinking: The Way Ahead

Summary - Traditionally, our schoolwork involves more memorization than critical thinking. Assignments are based more on the ability to consolidate information, memorize it, and then write it out at an exam, without ever really teaching us or testing us on our ability to logically think information through. Knowledge is one thing, but it is equally important to be able to think critically, and to apply logic to the knowledge that we have. Critical thinking is not a new thing. It has been here for decades; what has changed is its significance over the past few years. Today, a sea of choices in life, decision making with global impact (e.g. elections) surrounds us; people get often easily manipulated by someone powerful and persuasive rethoric without taking their time to stop, think and take a stand. A lot of people consume any kind of information without asking themselves the basic critical questions and often go for some simplified, processed kind of explanation. This isn´t happening only with respect to media, but also in studying, everyday discussions, debates and

arguments of any kind or in decision making. That is why it is vital today to promote critical thinking and help our pupils acquire the skills and foster an interest in critical thinking, mainly in its utilisation in studies and, most of all, in everyday life.


The project aim is to develop participants’ skills of critical and creative thinking.

The objectives are:

1) To raise awareness among young people, about the necessity of checking the validity of sources and information.

2) To develop skills of critical thinking, which include: memory, analysis, argumentation and creativity.

3) To increase the confidence of young people in the process of decision making.

4) To raise the level of tolerance and appreciation for diversity in all its forms: culture, opinions, life choices.

5) To try to think outside of the box and be encouraged to look for (sometimes unusual) creative solutions

6) To increase organizational and logistic skills and raise awareness of the needs of the local community


Participating organisations




Profilirana matematicheska gymnasia "Konstantin Velichkov" - Bulgaria


 Anyksciai r. Svedasai Juozas Tumas - Vaizgantas gymnasium -  Lithuania


 Prywatne Liceum Ogolnoksztalcace I'm. M.Wankowicza w Katowicach  - Poland


 Srednja trgovska sola Maribor - Slovenia

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